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Anthology one: back in the beginning (original poems from the past)

The Favorite Holiday * Sailing on the Ruritanian Mississippi * From a Thread to a Flag * A Fire in Oklahoma * A Door Leading to Many Doors * From a Cambodia Bathed in Red * Dream in an Open Place * Digital Creations

Anthology two: the untitled promo album

A Kiss on the Rosary * A Series of Contemplations * America (The New Vision) * Einsamkeitwirklichkeit, Liebesszenetraum * en ciel un dieu, par terre une déesse * Miss Sarajevo * Observations while Writing an Ode to the Holy Muse * The Celestial Promenade * The East Side of the Mind * The Evening of the Spring Sky * The Middle School Examination * The Results of an Experiment (Failed) * The Tolling Bell

Anthology three: the poet paints words onto a paper canvas

The Plastic Face Force to Portray * Desire Holds the Moment Still * Awake to the Sound (CD Demo Version) * The Egg Tempera Halo * Der Scherebleistift (Death and the Mother) * The Absurdity of Reason and Form * Civis Eblanensis * Western Horizontal, Western Vertical

Anthology four: the virgin of the cosmic ocean (the b-sides compilation)

And the Trees Were Naked in the Fields * Another Forgotten World (The Prom Theme That Will Never Be) * Fantasies of the Minimal House * Hattyúdal (The Swan-Song) * Intercom 87 * Of Death and Height * Rediscovering the Cross of Changes * So We Danced to the Musical Metronomes * Sorry Son, You Just Used Your Last Lifeline * The Electrons Dance for Us Tonight * The Frustrations of the Contemporary Romantic Academician * The Long Battles of Revolution * The Map of the Computer Programmer’s Brain * The Neverending Dance of the Children * Two Separate Yet Equal Thoughts

Anthology five: the peach garden oath

The Peach Garden Oath * She Died in the Oven * Close Your Eyes and Think of England * There is Danger, Remember * What the Band Played on a Bloom Day * America II (Another New Vision) * What is Poetry? * The Passenger * The Spring Constant of Physics is F=kd * The Orgies of Barbarious Regimes * The Easter Haiku Overture * The Slamlords of the Midnight Streets * Le 14 juillet (le premier du millénium) * Disconnected (The Aeroplane and the Parabolic Flight) * The Sunlight of the Evening Hours * Sneg ne bolshoi * An English Professor Realizes that One of His Smart Students is a Smart Ass * From the Stage of the Field to the Attic of the Stars

Additional conclusions

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Also, some poems contain either some degree of explicit language or explicit content or both. This serves as not an apology but a warning for those concern about such matters. Exercise common sense.

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