The Absurdity of Reason and Form

The plane flies overhead when we test ourselves
To benefit people long ago and far away.
It is all silly high-pitch whines mixed with motorized harmonic motion

Then, it disappears into sonic oblivion and the birds chirp in protest.

Walking along the side of the road, I can see the passage of time
When earth was stripped for her garments, subjected to rape and mutilation
And is forced to live her life, stale and barren while the men trample on her again

It brings dear into my eyes when I knew that she was a teacher.

The entire area surrounding is a big construction zone
Yellow, white and orange are the impressions that are present
And the activation of the cone sends anger signals into the brain

Where I scream out to the heavens to take me away from the earth.

I met a woman in the forests and she resembled a Greek nude
Except Pygmalion actually breathed life into her and her form is very complete.
She just casually eats her afternoon meal underneath the sun

I kiss her sweet lips, speak great lines of devotion and praise… even if it was all chasing the wind.

The inner eye is the new compass
That becomes my guide through the meaningless of life
And helps me to understand the mixture of oil and water

For I journey into the void and my mind must make it filled with beauty and colour.

Date of First Draft: 10 March 2000
Information: This was for the Art Notebook assignment addressing Romanticism

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