The Slamlords of the Midnight Streets
Time to change
Last train departing to…
Oh well, make sure to check your luggage for
Anything out of alignment with the natural order
We keep time to make time
And what we make always turns into an impressionable stamp
But do we ever use the surplus to realize this?
It’s never a conscious thought
For we are tucked underneath the chaos above
Surrounded by an idyllic oasis of marble and wire
And hoping to hear the irritating call of “All’s well.”
But we have to depart the cave and follow
The shadows that our eyes have fixed upon for so long.
And let me tell you this… It’s extremely difficult to get adjusted to the sun.
Date of First Draft: 5 November 2000
Information: This poem was written at Union Station and at the National Gallery of Art and the title is courtesy of Matt Park.