The Map of the Computer Programmer's Brain

/*pseudocomments here, outlined in gibberish*/

The function that (determines the input)

The function that (manipulates the output)
  So that the Dewey decimal system is rounded
  for (all eternity++)

The main function			/*The purpose of life perhaps?*/
  do (it)
     loop incessently;
     get frustrated (words);
     do {
     }while (awake)
     figure out how to get the f***ing background
     To match the cool animation (declaration unknown);
     ask the question
       char The choice is yours
       cin>>decide already
       Have you decide yet? (true/false)
       if (so)
	 go on
					/*Life is composed of a string of bool statements
					If you have not determined that already*/
     call for a blue screen already!
  } while (the thought is still there)
  The signature goes here and the paycheck has yet to clear();
  return(0); 							/*THE END*/

Date of First Draft: 29 February 2000
Information: The syntax is true C++ with some artistic license.

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