America II (Another New Vision)

Haven’t we made any progress?
Do we still insist that we have an IV hooked into us?

Driving the huge gas-guzzlers to drive home the message of penis envy
Listening to the sounds of youth, idiocy and several dozen empty fantasies
Subduing to entertainment making everyone convert to voyeurism
Insisting that human value can and must be weighed to a specially calibrated scale
Pretending nothing is wrong and everything is right
and everyone can be God				(if he carries the right card)

No, we haven’t made progress.

Then the equilibrium is disturbed and we must demand a single identity and a single morality.
Hmm… let me ponder a moment… where in the hell have I heard this before?
But ah yes… we do live a world where a corrosive Platonic State urges a transform of beauty.
But isn’t beauty supposed to be something that is impossible to measure?
	(Or maybe it’s impossible to calculate… like charge densities of finite nature)

Onto a point, we huddle into our own corners and take our drugs.
We face each other with those dilated eyes and blurred vision
And a mental delusion that everyone should be shot flashing before our eyes.
Before the administrator and magistrate warn each other on the radio unit,
The floor turns red, the air turns deadly and the tears multiply.
No… no, it doesn’t turn red.
Red is too fine and too pure a colour.

But the strange aspect of all is someone who is hanging upside down with a fucked up smirk on his face.
Apparently, he is not of the description of an ideal citizen yet he can convince people otherwise.
He writes down everything that strikes his fancy.
A collection of philosophies, paragraphs and judgment meaning nothing
Written by someone who thrives under midday shadows, a teenage wasteland and childish antics.
Are you enjoying yourself you bastard?
Do I have to inject you with espresso to make sure you’re alive?
Do I have to prove that your theory is fraudulent?

You didn’t answer my fucking question!  Are you enjoying yourself you bastard?

And to whoever is reading this now… look at God in the face and tell me exactly what you see

(But make sure you take the IV out of your crippled and emaciated system)

Date of First Draft: 10 January 2001
Information: It was written as a sequel to America (The New Vision)

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