Desire Holds the Moment Still

Don’t worry my darling,
The omnipotent eyes beneath the heavenly canopy
Are our shield and buckler from the cowards waiting to strike
From beneath the shrubs and thickets that encircles us.
Don’t worry my darling.

I’ve been waiting for you for so long
My complete, my only one on earth
The one designed for me by GOD to love and cherish
While earth may be vile and sinister, obscuring the heavens
And dampening the constant sonic outpouring of all things good and true…
I’ve been waiting for you for so long

We are here together
To cleanse ourselves from the soiled and dirty pasts
Created by hands and minds corrupted and demagnetized
From the divine beauty we were meant to see together.
We are here together.

Now kiss me dear
With lips I only read during hours of quiet
Or dreamt while restlessly resting from another day of battle.
The lips that brings forth milk and wine to soothe my soul
Aching to find something that will ail me from further decay.
Now kiss me dear.

The moment is now ours – it is ours forever – in this embrace – it is ours.

Date of First Draft: 16 September 2001
Influence: The lithograph of the same name by Vasily Kafanov

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