A Kiss on the Rosary

Sometimes, I fall short of the glory of God
The world seems to take me over and win me as one of its own.
The sin and iniquities that bear my soul
Much like the force of gravity, pushes me down in humility and fear
For I have kissed the rosary and have been saved again.
I foolishly let the love of Christ slip from my fingers and fall to the dust below.
I wonder if the world has conquered over the power of the trex Jehovah.
The speck of dust and traces of the microscopic invasion are precisely what they are…
Small, microscopic specks compared to the glory of the Almighty God.
And still, I regain that perfect love, kiss the rosary and move forward in the Light.

Date of First Draft: around April 1999
Information: The poem was inspired by a time when I dropped a rosary by accident that Amanda Kraftchak, a good friend of mine, had by accident. Tess Wardell, another friend of mine and who was Catholic (Amanda was not), told me about kissing the rosary after dropping it.

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