Disconnected (The Aeroplane and the Parabolic Flight)

He says the same thing over and over.
The tape loop mechanism ceases to function correctly
Giving away false measurements
And leading towards a dead end.

So the descent begins

Whereas there are plenty of witness that would enjoy seeing
The final cloud of smoke and charred earth and metal.
Isaac has lost some Souls by the powerful cradle of mind
	(Even though they altered the course by an infinitesimal amount)
But does it look like he should cry?
After all, he’s on some guy’s shoulders to see the clouds.

By the way, while we are on the subject, who exactly is mourning for the plane?

Date of First Draft: 13 December 2000
Information: Intended for certain personnel in a certain time at a certain place (and not 11.09.2001)

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