The Sunlight of the Evening Hours

The sun lingers overhead to bade us
Good night and remind us to keep our promises.

The sky is still bright as the meals are served.
The day winds down for a while to rest the machines of the brain
The free paint strokes of the clouds still decorate the horizon.
And we talk for hours on end as the children run barefoot in the grass.
For a season has come to greet us
To keep us warm for a while.

The nightly activities go uninterrupted.
The children play their own championship game.
The family cools off from toil and trouble to be themselves
  for a while in the comfort of upholstery, drink and digital clarity.
Older siblings fulfill their obligations (but not without having a glass of milk first).
Temperature decreases
And the twilight chorus of animalia rings out an echo.

A piano plays ever so delicately
Like the feeling of grass kissed by rain and wind
Against our skin, cushioning the body, launching the soul
Into the cloud formations of child’s mind.
I close my eyes and nature kisses me again
And again, sending me to ecstasy and bliss.
She loves me so and takes me into a bed…

Where I awake again.
I looked outside the window and there,
The sun still lingers overhead to bade us
“Good night” and remind us to keep our promises.

Date of First Draft: 3 April 2001

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