The Electrons Dance for Us Tonight

I say when I pull up the chair
Let you sit down while
The red river flows crystal clear
For the other couples to see.

We glance a smile here and there
Talk innocently for a while
Hiding away the pain but sharing the joy
As the music plays on in the distance.

I can’t find any rhymes for you.
I have no wish to
When the words seem to flow out naturally
From lips and heart searching for a channel.

I notice you staring away from me
Troubled and confused
But longing for something magical
With the knight in shining armors.

Let me open the window, darling.
I’m sorry for speaking in ancient tongue.
However, it’s easier to speak with timeless words
When facing beauty as timeless as yours.

I paint a sky with stars above and with lights below.
You gaze all around as we approach closer.
Melting ourselves into each other
Becoming more lovable and more beautiful than before.

The stream of light passes us by
And the reflections dance and ripple away
Independent of the pseudocodes and the Fibonaccis
We still smile away.

“The electrons dance for us tonight,” I say again as we kiss so gently.

Date of First Draft: 30 June 1999
Information: It was one of the poem accepted into the Scribe 2001.

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