Another Forgotten World (The Prom Theme That Will Never Be)
Darling, I wish I could take you to a proper setting
A fresh temple of alabaster, painted with the colours of the earth…
An ensemble of musicians off to the side, strumming, plucking and singing…
A god king sitting on his throne, overseeing the festivity…
A servant girl bring to him his goblet encrusted with the riches of his empire…
A concubine adoring him…
The flutes, the vibrato of an exotic desert voice and the drum track loop incessantly
And transforms the room into another world that we see only in unclear imagination
You stare into those eyes that are
Lost in some another plane shelved conveniently
In the midst of the vast space-time continuum.
Your hand graces my cheek
And your lips reach towards mine
Allowing me to taste and imbibe on that sweet fruit.
Your body is close to mine
And we feel the constant bpm pulsing through our edifices
But alas, the board out-voted me again
And allowed the same old, same old to reign again.
Plus, I have yet to find roommate for that particular castle in the sky.
Date of First Draft: 7 May 2000
Information: This poem was written for the chapbook and was another ode/elegy to prom. Originally it was a part of the “The Untitled Promo Album” line-up but it was determined that there were too many poems dealing with Prom.
Influence: Delerium’s “Forgotten Worlds,” “Silence” and “Wisdom”