This is property of the djproject Group.  
All rights reserved.


Airing between noon and 2 on Fridays for the fall semester 2003, this show - whose title is a modification of a central idea to not only radio broadcasting but another form of noise generation - intends to bring forth interesting, exciting, intriguing and daring electronic music from recents to classics to obscure to the upcoming.


05-SEP-2003: Return of the Frequencies (Introduction)
12-SEP-2003: Take Me In and Dry the Rain
03-OCT-2003: Homage to Warp Records
10-OCT-2003: Playing with the Flow, part 1
17-OCT-2003: Playing with the Flow, part 2
24-OCT-2003: Are You Drowning in Tears?
07-NOV-2003: Darkness Emitting from the "Designed-to-be-Safe" Technology
14-NOV-2003: Peace and Tranquility
21-NOV-2003: Homage to Autechre
05-DEC-2003: Homage to a Guide Star

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